Under contract with AECOM, Townscape worked with the City and County of Honolulu Department of Facilities Maintenance and the State Department of Health Clean Water Branch to develop a watershed management plan for the six watersheds that drain into Kaiaka Bay on Oʻahu’s North Shore. The goal was to develop an environmentally holistic, community-based, and economically viable plan that addresses land-based pollution, both point source and non-point source. The planning process followed guidelines specified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and included stakeholder consultations, watershed and pollutant load modeling, GIS analysis, and extensive research. The Kaiaka Bay Watershed-Based Plan identifies solutions to restore and protect surface water quality in inland and marine waters. Policy recommendations, priority management practices, and ideas for education and outreach were included in the plan. Funding for implementation is available through Clean Water Act section 319(h).